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There are so many ways to support this event and cheer us on as we raise money to someday find a cure for cystic fibrosis.
To volunteer for a committee write to: alipman2001@yahoo.comor call the Wish for Wendy Foundation at 404-512-9473.
To make a Wish for Wendy a reality, we need more than just ball players, sponsors and donors. We need you to volunteer for three hours (more if you can) to make the day a success. There are opportunities galore to help with everything from early morning registration to evening clean-up.  Please sign up here: VOLUNTEER FOR WISH FOR WENDY!
Help is needed prior to the event as well.  We currently have openings on all subcommittees. Please review the committee objectives below and let us know which committee you are best suited for!

Volunteers Needed for Committees

Auction Prizes Committee

Solicit Auction/Prize items. Coordinate with Auction Chair regarding paperwork/donor forms.

Publicity Committee

Work with Publicity Chair to publicize and raise awareness about event throughout the community using all possible public service media outlets.

Corporate Sponsor Committee

Coordinate with C.S. Chair to secure corporate sponsorships.

Food Committee

Solicit Food Donors for the day of the event Coordinate with Food Chair regarding paperwork and/or contracts.

Marketing Committee

Work with Marketing Chair to execute marketing plans for the tournament and all wrap-around events. Solicit in-kind print donations.

Logistics/Day-of Volunteers Committee

Serve on the Logistics Committee and coordinate day-of schedule with Logistics Chair. Solicit donations for decorations and other volunteers for tournament activities.

wish for wendy

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